A Place for Your Summer Things

A Place for Your Summer Things

Learn How To Make Your Next Move As Eco-Friendly As Possible

by Stephen Patterson

If you are someone who is environmentally conscious and needs to move in the near future, knowing how to make the move as eco-friendly as possible may be difficult for you. Fortunately, there are now eco-friendly moving companies on the market who have the same concerns you do when it comes to leaving as little of a carbon footprint as possible. Use the tips provided below to learn how to have the most eco-friendly move possible.

Choose a Company that Uses Biodiesel Moving Trucks

You want to hire a moving company that uses biodiesel moving trucks because biodiesel engines have been shown to release less emissions into the environment than traditional engines. The emissions released by non-biodiesel engines are believed to be harmful to the environment and be a cause of climate change. Using a company that takes the time to use eco-friendly trucks will help you reduce the carbon footprint your move makes.

Rent Reusable Plastic Containers

The eco-friendly moving company you use may have reusable plastic containers that you can use for your move. The containers allow you to avoid having to use packing boxes that can be flimsy or made from non-recyclable materials. The reusable plastic bins are often available in many sizes and are very durable to ensure your belongings stay safe during the move.

Rent Reusable Protective Cloths

Instead of using packing paper or newspaper between your breakable items, consider renting reusable protective cloths from the moving company. The cloths serve as padding between the breakable items and will absorb some of the shock that is placed on the breakables during the moving process. The cloths are able to be washed and reused by the company to ensure that your move as environmentally-friendly as it can be.

Label with Permanent Markers

When you are labeling the bins, do not place adhesive tags on the bins to label them. The tags will be very difficult to remove and cannot be used multiple times. Instead, label the room where each box is supposed to go with a permanent marker to ensure that the markings stay in place during the move. When you are done moving your items, write over the marker ink with a dry erase marker and wipe away both inks easily. This will restore the box to its original condition so it can be used again.

For more about this topic, contact a moving company in your area.


About Me

A Place for Your Summer Things

Fall is my absolute favorite season of the year. The crisp, cool air outside during fall is refreshing. I also adore the beautiful, colorful leaves on the trees in the fall months. Some of my favorite foods such as apples, pumpkins, and pears are available to purchase at roadside, produce stands, and grocery stores during this time of the year. However, as fall arrives, I always have a predicament. I need to find a place to store all of my family’s summer related belongings. Do you struggle to find places in your home to store summer items such as bathing suits, shorts, sandals, and swimming pool accessories during the fall and winter months? On this blog, you will discover the benefits of renting a storage facility during the cold weather months. Enjoy!

